
Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Prison Release Raises the Question — Just What Is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?

The story of Gypsy Rose Blanchard is a disturbing narrative of deception and control, centered on a condition formerly known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy and now called factitious disorder imposed on another (FDIA).

In FDIA, a caregiver — usually a parent — fabricates or exaggerates medical conditions in a dependent, often for personal gratification or attention, says Patricia J. Osborne, PhD, a psychologist and a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral health at Stony Brook Medicine in New York.

Dee Dee Blanchard, Gypsy’s mother, began claiming that her daughter suffered from various ailments, starting with sleep problems and epilepsy and escalating into a web of fabricated illnesses that included leukemia, muscular dystrophy, vision and hearing impairments, and seizures, according to a January 2018 ABC News report. For years, Gypsy was forced to use a wheelchair and at one point even had an unnecessary feeding tube inserted because of her mother’s lies.

Typically, the abuse continues for months, years, or until the victim dies or the fabrications are discovered by doctors or social workers. In the case of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, whose story has been portrayed in film and TV on Max, Hulu, and most recently on the Lifetime network, it stopped, according to People, when she convinced a man she met online to stab her mother to death.

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