Woman goes to on a quick pizza run, instead, she comes home with a cute stray cat (and a pizza)
The beautiful thing about the CDS (also know as the iconic and impeccable Cat Distribution System) is that it can hit you at any time. You never see it coming. A cat can adopt you when you go on a walk, just walking up to you, choosing you and making you theirs. A cat might jump into your car and leave you with absolutely no choice but to take them with you, no matter where it is that you are going. A momma cat might show up at your door with kittens, and then, you will simply have to adopt them all. That’s how it works.
Even on a simple, short, pizza run, you are not safe from the CDS. Not that you would want to be safe from it. Getting chosen by the CDS is an honor, and having an adorable stray cat jump into your loving arms and agree to go with your wherever you are going while you are on a pizza run is just about the best thing that could happen to anyone.
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