The Media Seems Terrified That FBI Deputy Director Dan Bongino Called the Jan. 6 Pipe Bombs an “Inside Job”
For those who don’t already know him, how to describe the FBI’s new Deputy Director, Dan Bongino?
To start – he’s a no-nonsense kind of guy. That’s only natural, considering he made his bones on the mean streets as a New York City cop.
But he’s also an immensely talented operator, as proven by his time in the elite Secret Service. So he’s been around, and he’s seen a lot of things.
These insights gained from experience – along with his attitude of having “had enough” of the BS – have made him one of the most popular conservative commentators out there. Despite already being on the job, his podcast ranks 15th on Spotify. Not bad.
I bring this up to make a point: the media seems very upset with Dep. Dir. Bongino for some of his past comments – specifically, they’re all worked up that he referred to the infamous January 6th pipe bombs as an “inside job.” As in, carried out by, with the assistance of, or at least undertaken with the knowledge of agencies or persons unknown in the United States Government.
CNN Is Upset or Scared
In a screed posted Saturday, CNN chastised Mr. Bongino for his WrongThink.
“Dan Bongino, the incoming deputy director of the FBI, suggested on his popular podcast in January that the agency he is now about to help lead was complicit in planting pipe bombs around Washington ahead of the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021.”
Can you believe Bongino is so deranged? The FBI has literally never gotten caught doing anything sneaky, underhanded, or flat-out illegal.
Here is what he said, specifically: “I believe the FBI knows the identity of this pipe bomber on January 6th, four years ago, and just doesn’t wanna tell us ‘cause it was an inside job.”
“Folks, this guy was an insider,” he added. “This was an inside job. And it is the biggest scandal in FBI history.”
Even worse, it seems Mr. Bongino believes the “conspiracy theory” (known to us political scientists as “Government 101”) that different agencies have their own interests and agenda. Bongino had the audacity to even claim that the bureaucrats who voted over 90% for Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris might work to undermine President Trump:
“A former Secret Service agent and NYPD cop, Bongino has become a successful conservative media personality in part by spreading conspiracy theories about the so-called deep state that alleges federal workers are plotting to undermine the president’s agenda.”
Now where would Bongino get such a crazy idea like that? It’s not like they bragged about disobeying direct orders from the Commander-in-Chief to the press or anything.
Does it sound ridiculous that the FBI doesn’t have a single clue about what happened with the pipe bombs? I don’t see how.
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Who Knows?
Consider that for many decades, even before the Snowden revelations, the NSA has had near-total surveillance capability. (Thank you, Gordon Thomas.)
Consider that the FBI sent marauding goon squads all over hell and creation to arrest hundreds of people who were inside the Capitol that day – and how they were able to identify such individuals.
Consider that Uncle Sam has the capability to ferret out individual terrorists on the other side of the planet with relative ease.
I can hear it now: “But Derek, lol, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence this is a conspiracy you can’t think that it’s not respectable reeee!”
This canard has always been the result of mere sloppy thinking. We know what Uncle’s capabilities are. That cat is out of the bag.
Whether or not the pipe bombs were an inside job is immaterial here, anyhow. The important point is: the questions need to be asked, and they need to be asked by people in a position to do something about it.
That’s what scares CNN the most.
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