‘Star Wars: Episode I: Jedi Power Battles’ continues to be the most fascinating ‘The Phantom Menace’ tie-in video game

Somehow, Jedi Power Battles has returned. This won’t ring a bell if you’re a Star Wars fan who’s stuck to only the best Star Wars games of all time over the years, but many Jedi veterans will celebrate this return to a profoundly off-beat action romp which revisited The Phantom Menace as a ‘beat ’em up’ game.

The developer-publisher Aspyr is no stranger to bringing retro Star Wars video games back from the dead, and, so far, the wins outweigh the failures. Last year, Aspyr worked with Lucasfilm Games to bring Star Wars: Bounty Hunter and the two original Battlefront titles onto modern platforms and PC with graphical improvements, quality-of-life changes, and even new content. In 2025, we’re off to a great start with Jedi Power Battles… as long as you enjoyed the original.

See, Jedi Power Battles’ initial PlayStation (PS1) release in early 2000 didn’t resonate well with critics. The Phantom Menace movie already had a tie-in video game: an action-adventure game of the same name in 1999 that mixed elements from wildly different genres and transcended the usual limits of movie tie-in releases. Regardless, that video game was a financial win for LucasArts, so it was a bit of a head-scratcher when a second big-budget, action-oriented take on the same movie, Jedi Power Battles, hit the PS1 right after.

(Image credit: Aspyr)

Upon release, Jedi Power Battles offered something markedly different: a fast-paced mix of beat ’em up and platforming elements that were designed with couch co-op in mind. Moreover, it expanded the roster of playable Jedi Knights beyond Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, with Mace Windu and the background masters Adi Gallia and Plo Koon also available (plus Ki-Adi-Mundi later on the Dreamcast port). Many critics dismissed it as too frustrating and half-baked though. It wasn’t until the Dreamcast port released in late 2000 that its popularity bounced back up.

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