
5 Tips for Cooking for Someone With Ulcerative Colitis

If your loved one is living with an inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis (UC), you may know how isolating the disease can be. Symptoms like diarrhea, cramps, and bloody stools can interfere with social events. And although food does not cause the condition, certain foods can irritate the digestive tract, putting a damper on festive meals.

There are many ways you can help someone living with UC, but knowing what foods they should eat and which they should avoid is a powerful one. By learning how to cook for a friend or family member who has an IBD, you can help ease their symptoms and make them feel included in social events, including regular family dinners.

“Food is family, friendship, and love, and cooking food together and having your loved one get healthy because of it is incredibly rewarding,” says Barbara Olendzki, RD, MPH, the director of the Center for Applied Nutrition at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester.

While there is no one-size-fits-all diet for UC, there are some general rules of thumb that are good to follow when cooking for someone who may not be able to digest certain foods very well.

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