Skin-and-bones orange kitten shows up on person’s porch one day, they become best friends, and he gets the fluffiest glow up thanks to his hooman’s love: ‘Now he’s an absolute cuddle monster’

Nice to see you again, fellow feline fans. One of the things we love most about cats is that they are one of the only animals that will adopt their hoomans. Most other animals you have to physically choose, and they don’t have much say in the matter. Maybe because they know that they need hoomans (even though they will never admit it outright) to fully flourish into their fullest feline selves. Hoomans provide them with warmth, safety, and comforts they could never find living on their own. And the best part is that we’re more than happy to do it for just a little cuddly companionship.

That’s why this story below is a purrfect example of how cats and hoomans can coexist and make each other’s lives better just by being together. A smol, malnourished orange kitten just showed up on this person’s porch one day – fast forward a few years and now they’re best friends. Not only that, but the kitty, ‘Macaroni’ got the fluffiest glow up thanks to his hooman’s love. See more of Macaroni down below!

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