
Rocket Row ribbon cutting marks return of Alabama rocket center’s ‘spaceline’

Some cities have skylines. Huntsville, Alabama has a “spaceline.” Or so it does again with the restoration of “Rocket Row” at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. On Thursday (July 18), a ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the center’s Rocket Park to mark the first stage of the return of its historic boosters. After being lowered in 2018 to be restored off site, all five historic rockets are standing again.

“These historic artifacts have welcomed millions of visitors, serving as tangible symbols of humanity’s journey into space,” said Kimberly Robinson, CEO and executive director of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. “Originally intended for active space missions shortly after assembly, these rockets have since stood proudly on display for over five decades, enduring the passage of time and the elements.”

“However, the years finally took their toll,” she said, “necessitating a critical need for restoration to preserve these priceless artifacts for future generations.”

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