
Ray Kurzweil Still Says He Will Merge With AI

Renowned futurist Ray Kurzweil, 76, has doubled down on his prediction of the Singularity’s imminent arrival in an interview with The New York Times. Gesturing to a graph showing exponential growth in computing power, Kurzweil asserted humanity would merge with AI by 2045, augmenting biological brains with vast computational abilities.

“If you create something that is thousands of times — or millions of times — more powerful than the brain, we can’t anticipate what it is going to do,” Kurzweil said. His claims, once dismissed, have gained traction amid recent AI breakthroughs. As Kurzweil ages, his predictions carry personal urgency. “Even a healthy 20-year-old could die tomorrow,” he told The Times, hinting at his own mortality race against the Singularity’s timeline.

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