Life on the streets is not something we wish for any cat. It’s rough out there. No feeling of safety, not knowing where your next meal will come from, weather changes, other cats (or animals) also looking for food….it sounds stressful to say the least. That’s why when kind people go out of their way to help cats in need, we feel that we have to share it. They deserve recognition for their good deed, and it just so happens to make a good story to put all of the heartwarming fuzzy feelings inside your hooman hearts.
After realizing that this stray cat was pregnant, one feline-lover decided to take her in, give her a safe place to have her kittens and transition her into that cozy indoor cat life. Not only did they save this cat’s life in helping them through a difficult birth, but then adopted the momma cat and all of her kittens into their loving home. What a happy ending! If this story doesn’t make you smile today, we’re not sure what will. Enjoy!
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