Podcast #425 – Interview with @BachelorData Suzana Somers (with transcripts) – Reality Steve

Joined once again this week by Suzana Somers who you know as @BachelorData on Instagram. With Grant’s women officially dropping this week, time to look at the numbers behind these women, Grant, and all the things we like to crunch this time of season. Also, we discuss how Grant will have the shortest Bachelor season in over a decade, improvements that can be made to the Tell All & Bachelor in Paradise shows, & much, much more. Before that, I look a little at Rachel and Bryan’s divorce, the premiere of “Special Forces” last night, and the Challenge finale with a surprise ending. As always, thanks to Suzana for coming on as she’s able to look at this show and this franchise from a completely difference perspective than most people. Always a great chat and we’ll have her on again in the future as always.

Remember, today’s podcast also up on my YouTube channel. Go watch, subscribe, like, and comment here:

You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:

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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)

(SPOILERS) I begin by talking about the tragedies in Southern California, Rachel & Bryan’s divorce settled, the premiere of “Special Forces,” and The Challenge finale has a surprise for us. Then Suzana joins me (7:30) to discuss the social media numbers behind Grant’s cast release this week, the lack of promotion of Grant’s season, changes she’d like to see to the Tell All shows and BIP, and much, much more.

Instagram – @bachelordata

(SPOILER) Your Daily Roundup covers the devastation in Southern California, possible technical issues tomorrow, Rachel & Bryan finalize their divorce, Special Forces season 3 premieres, and The Challenge finale wraps up with a surprise ending.

You can listen to that podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in here:

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)


You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Thursday, Big Day Ahead. On this Daily Roundup, we are going to talk about what’s coming up in a couple hours. We are also going to talk about a possible weather involvement with this podcast.

And I’m going to address what’s going on in Los Angeles. Special forces first episode aired last night, three eliminations. We will talk about that episode. We will also talk about the challenge finale that aired last night. Also, Rachel Lindsay and Brian Abasolo’s divorce has been finalized. We got some details of it.

Rachel’s going to have to fork over some good amount of coin for this, and we’ll get to all that momentarily. So let’s start off with this. Coming up podcast number four 25 at 9 15 a. m. Eastern time on my YouTube channel and in your podcast feed, it’s going to be bachelor data, Susannah Summers. We are going to go over with the drop this week, the official launch of grants women, we are going to talk about grants women, where they stand in the followers, anything that she has noticed, we’re also going to talk about grant season, the lack of promotion of grant season, the lack of promotion, not only of the show itself, but just.

How much they are behind the eight ball on grant season. The fact that it’s going to be the shortest bachelor season since I think in 10 or 15 years, but I think that’s also going to be the norm going forward because of the college football playoff and how it’s extended longer into January. Just a lot of stuff to talk about Susanna with 15 AM Eastern time on my YouTube channel, reality, Steve 24, check it out and also on your podcast feed.

I did want to address what’s going on in California and Los Angeles. Obviously thoughts and prayers out to everybody. I know that doesn’t mean much. I have done what I can on my end, which is donate and whether you donate, there are so many donation links out there. Just be careful that you are donating to a correct link.

I did Red Cross. Also personally donated to a couple of things that I saw that I just, again, felt bad for, obviously you’d love to help out in any way you can. And that is some serious, serious devastation. Looking on your Twitter feed or Instagram feed, it literally looks like the movie independence day.

It is just, I can’t believe what I’m seeing and seeing how many people have lost their homes. And whether you. You know, it’s, and it’s not just obviously the ones that are getting the attention of losing their homes are celebrities. As, as far as I know right now, Mandy Moore has lost her home. Billy Crystal and his wife lost their home.

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag lost their home. Others. Those are the first ones that come to my mind that I, that I know I read, but if you can just help in any way you can, that’d be great. The one thing that’s just really, really upsetting to me outside of seeing these Photos and images is just the the politicization the politicalization of it It’s just can we not talk about who’s at fault here and this could have been done and why it’s just like Let’s just not even worry about that right now.

It’s not when this is happening and fires are spreading, we don’t need to be insulting people. This is where we’re at. This is what people wanted. Unfortunately, that’s what we’re getting. I mean, I, for every video and image that I see on Twitter of the fires burning, there is a tweet politicizing this. And it’s just, it’s unreal how, why in a time like this, you have to talk about who did something wrong.

What is it? It doesn’t matter now. There’s nothing that, there’s nothing that can change what is happening by complaining about something didn’t get done. And it’s just, that’s, it’s just very, very frustrating to say the least. You know, it just, what does that, what does that accomplish? You know? If somebody can tell me what the positive is while houses are burning down and people are losing their lives and families are losing their homes.

Tell me one positive that can come on going on social media and telling everybody who’s at fault here and what should have happened. What, what, what good does that do at this point? You know, just very, very frustrating. As for myself, when I started the daily roundup in July of 2022, I have not missed a day.

Every Monday through Friday, you’ve gotten the daily roundup. And in January of 2023, every Monday through Friday, you’ve gotten the sports daily. And you’ve also gotten a weekly podcast on Thursdays. I said the only way, obviously outside of something, you know, tragic and major happening, I will always have a podcast for you.

And I’m just putting it out there for tomorrow only because if you’re, if you’re unaware, apparently we’re supposed to have a really bad winter storm for the next couple of days in Dallas. It’s not like. A nor Easter, but for Dallas, that isn’t used to it. You know, we get snow. I’ve been here 18 years now, you know, I can’t even tell you, we’ve gone like three or four years without snow and then we’ll have a, we’ll have a winter where we’ll get snow for a few days.

And anyway, we’re supposed to get two to five inches over the next two days, but it’s supposed to be mid to high forties on Saturday. So whatever comes down starting, that’s supposed to start this morning and go through tomorrow night. And then Saturday through next Wednesday, it’s supposed to be mid to high forties.

So whatever does, whatever snow does come down, it’ll melt fairly quickly. And, but they are saying, be ready. Don’t go out on the roads are going to be icy. And there’s a chance power outages. Wi Fi service could go out. So I was thinking, well, gosh, I’ve never had since I started the daily roundup in July of 2020 to 22.

I’ve never had my wife. I go out where I couldn’t upload my podcast. So I’m just putting it out there. I don’t want to jinx it, but I guess it is a possibility. So for whatever reason, if there is no daily roundup tomorrow, just know it’s because my wife, I went out for X amount of time. Now I’ve had my wife, I go out numerous times, but usually it’s for like, An hour, sometimes two, I think three or four hours was the most it’s ever gone out for.

They usually get it up and running fairly quickly. That’s what I’m looking at. I just wanted to give people an update on that. So. I don’t think it’s going to be a problem, but just know for whatever reason, if there’s no daily roundup tomorrow, it’s because I’m out of wifi service. All right. Rachel, Lindsay and Brian Abasolo finalized their divorce yesterday.

Documents were obtained by all the entertainment outlets and basically we got some news from it. Brian’s going to retain their couples their condo in Miami. Rachel’s going to keep their LA home in North Hollywood. Both of them will also get to keep their wedding bands and Breitling watch. And Lindsey is going to keep her engagement ring from the bachelorette.

and a painting and photos by artist Jad Najjar, okay? Their vehicles will also be split between them. Brian is going to get to keep that 2021 Honda Accord while Rachel gets to keep her 20, her 2023 Porsche. She made out a little bit better on that one. However, here’s where the big one comes in. Along with the division of their belongings, Rachel was also ordered to pay Brian A 500, 000 equalization payment per the settlement.

She’s already given him 39, 771 in spousal support. So that’s going to be deducted from the 500, 000. So she owes him 460, 229. The first half of that payment, 230, 114, 000 has to be paid by next week, January 17th, while the remaining half must be paid by January 7th of next year and is subject to a 3%.

Interest rate. Once Brian gets that, or I guess because he is getting that, he has waived his right to any further subhousal support as did Rachel. So that’s where we’re at. That seems to be kind of hefty, right? But I don’t know how this stuff works. I really don’t remember. He was requesting 15 grand a month or 16 grand a month.

And she came back with 11 and the judge basically said, you’re giving him 13, 237. Well, that’s apparently what it is. And she owes him 230, 000 by next week. So clearly Rachel’s doing well for herself. If she can scratch a check for 230 G’s. In 10 days or seven days. What’s the date today? The ninth, eight days.

She’s got to scratch them a check for 230 grand, but then she owes him two 30 next January and they are done. Looks like they have wiped their hands of each other and they have both and they’re both moving on. But that came out yesterday. Again, I don’t really know how this divorce stuff works. I don’t know where they come up with that figure, why they decided maybe he just said, all right, I don’t want to get you for spousal support every year for X amount of years, just give me 500 grand and we call it even.

I don’t know. That’s a lot of money still that she owes him for what? Three, four years of marriage. So, but again, I don’t really know how it works. Maybe that’s, maybe that’s low. Maybe she’s getting a deal out of this. I don’t know. That’s what she owes. 230 G’s next week, 230 G’s a year from now, January 7th, 2026.

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