Pigeon Befriends Pregnant Black Cat and Attempts to Make a Nest for Her, Animal Wholesomeness Ensues
The little birb went right to work in making a nest! That is already the most wholesome thing you could ever witness! A bird trying to make a nest for a pregnant cat?? STOP. TOO CUTE. But guess what! It gets even more adorable. Why? Because pigeons are notorious for being birds who have no idea how to actually make a good nest… lol
That is because pigeons are the oldest domesticated birds, so they have gone through generations of being care for by us humans. (Thus, why you tend to see them in highly populated areas like big cities.) They only recently had to start making their own nests after us humans decided we didn’t want them as pets anymore… Tragic, we know. It breaks our hearts too. But this little guy is giving it his best go and the cat is just laying there like, “uh… yeah, ok. sure.” WE LOVE IT!
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