NCIS: Origins Season 1 Episode 14 Reveals the Heartbreaking Past of a Fan-Favorite Character

Critic’s Rating: 4.5 / 5.0


You know how some people say be careful what you wish for? Well, the NCIS: Origins writers apparently have excellent hearing and an interesting sense of humor.

Many of us viewers have been clamoring for more character development, particularly from a high-heel-wearing NIS administrative agent.

It’s doubtful anyone could have expected NCIS: Origins to become the show it has, but the series has made monumental strides toward distinguishing itself from other police procedurals.

Caleb Foote as Bernard “Randy” Randolf, Kyle Schmid as Mike Franks, Mariel Molino as Cecilia “Lala” Dominguez, and Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro Gibbs
(Erik Voake/CBS)

Namely, the show has found a way to balance episodic storytelling with pockets of character arcs that keep each episode fresh and exciting with new drama.

On the surface, it seemed like NCIS: Origins Season 1 Episode 14 was your run-of-the-mill spotlight episode to flesh out another supporting character, but it was so much more than that.

Tyla Abercrumbie Did Not Waste a Moment to Showcase Her Incredible Talents on NCIS: Origins Season 1 Episode 14

For the most part, NCIS: Origins has kept its focus on either Gibbs or Franks with a sprinkling of Lala worked in.

Every couple of episodes, the focus has been on one of the many characters roaming around the NIS precinct.

Remember NCIS: Origins Season 1 Episode 12, “Touchstones?” That was the heartbreaking episode where we learned about Kowalski’s past and that tear-inducing rock.

Well, someone should have reminded me of that one when I was going on and on about wanting an episode all about Mary Jo.

Tyla Abercrumbie as Mary Jo HayesTyla Abercrumbie as Mary Jo Hayes
(Erik Voake/CBS)

For whatever reason, I thought a Mary Jo-centered episode would be comedic in nature. I was not expecting “To Have and To Hold” to rip my heart out and then play badminton with it.

That said, it was an incredible episode that Tyla Abercrumbie (The Chi) absolutely killed it.

It was unbelievable how smoothly she transitioned between dramatic and comedic scenes. She had us crying one second and laughing the next.

This episode could have easily felt overstuffed with plotting, but it had just the right amount of heart and humor.

NCIS: Origins Shifted Gears A Few Episodes Ago, and It Has Paid Off for a Less Predictable Show

If you kept up with the NCIS: Origins reviews, there was a bit of skepticism about the show’s direction when it first premiered.

Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro Gibbs and Mariel Molino as Cecilia “Lala” DominguezAustin Stowell as Leroy Jethro Gibbs and Mariel Molino as Cecilia “Lala” Dominguez
(Erik Voake/CBS)

There seemed to be a lot of questionable choices from casting all the way to the very idea of a prequel in the first place.

Many viewers were asking why this show even needed to be made when Gibbs’s backstory was fully established.

However, at this point in the series, it’s clear that the hands behind NCIS: Origins were playing the long game. They were thinking about the “Nay Sayers” when strategizing their storytelling.

For one, have you noticed that the series has gotten fundamentally better since NCIS: Origins Season 1 Episode 9?

“Vivo o Muerto” is where it was revealed that Gibbs had already gotten revenge for the murder of his wife and daughter. That was a pivotal turning point, and not just for Gibbs.

The entire show felt like it shifted on its axis and suddenly became its own unique entity. This is probably because we, the audience, automatically assumed Gibbs’s revenge would be the focal point of NCIS: Origins Season 1.

Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro GibbsAustin Stowell as Leroy Jethro Gibbs
(Erik Voake/CBS)

Since that arc was resolved, the show has loosened the reins and allowed other stories to emerge.

Through its colorful cast of characters, NCIS: Origins has expanded its in-universe world.

NCIS: Origins Has the Potential for Its Own Spinoff with the Number of Colorful Characters at Its Disposal

Let me first give a big shout-out to Caleb Foote (Magnum P.I.), who plays Randy. The actor does the absolute most with whatever material he is given.

If you watch Randy, he never has more than a few lines that aren’t that impactful on their own. However, when you see Foote, you’ll notice how animated he becomes, ensuring every word of dialogue sticks the landing.

He’s not the only one, either. The forensics team at the precinct needs their own show. Every single character down there, from Woody to Lenora, is freaking hilarious.

Bobby Moynihan as Woodrow 'Woody' BrowneBobby Moynihan as Woodrow 'Woody' Browne
(Erik Voake/CBS)

I really think the lab could shoulder its own spinoff with how incredibly complex and fun each individual is in their own “unique” way.

That’s the thing about NCIS: Origins. The series already had a pretty interesting premise exploring the past of the NCIS franchise-favorite character, Gibbs.

However, rather than putting their eggs in Gibbs’s (Austin Stowell) basket, the writers have found creative ways to flesh out every character’s backstory without making it feel like an exposition dump.

In just a few lines of dialogue, Mike and Wheeler revealed that the Supervising Agent has a wife and a son who is currently going through a rebellious phase.

Small details like those make us feel like we’re getting to know the characters on a personal level. Which is why it sucks more and more each time something horrible happens.

Was anyone else a wreck after NCIS: Origins Season 1 Episode 13 when Tish left Mike at the end? I was practically inconsolable.

Kyle Schmid as Mike FranksKyle Schmid as Mike Franks
(Erik Voake/CBS)

That’s why I am all on board with this budding courtship between Lala and Gibbs.

With Only A Few Episodes Left, What Could NCIS: Origins Season 1 Have Planned for the Finale?

At the start of the series, I wasn’t exactly subtle about my thoughts on Gibbs and Lala hooking up, but I should have trusted the process.

I am fully on board with Lala and Gibbs getting together, and I love Mariel Molino’s (Promised Land) character. Those damn writers somehow got me to like Lala, and now all I want is more.

It’ll be interesting to see how Lala is worked into Gibbs’s backstory, considering that, as many die-hard NCIS fans have pointed out, Mark Harmon‘s character has never mentioned her.

Granted, I will certainly not be mad if NCIS: Origins waits for a minute before introducing another heavy episode like “To Have and To Hold.”

Tyla Abercrumbie as Mary Jo HayesTyla Abercrumbie as Mary Jo Hayes
(Erik Voake/CBS)

The writers took an already loved character and basically canonized her by revealing the struggles Mary Jo has been through.

Did anyone else audibly gasp when she revealed that she had lost not one but four children? I might as well have been a puddle on the floor. That was too much.

It’s no wonder she has taken to acting like a mother to little Mildred. On top of that, she is now officially divorced from her husband, with whom she is clearly still in love. Excuse me while I get my heart out of the shredder.

While I am all for these episodes that zero in on a supporting character, it would be nice if NCIS: Origins had an overarching plot.

Have you noticed that there really isn’t anything hanging over the episodic cases? An umbrella storyline hasn’t been introduced since Gibbs’s revenge was wrapped up.

We’re at the final quarter of NCIS: Origins Season 1, and everyone knows that any broadcast show worth its salt goes out on a mind-blowing cliffhanger that leaves fans foaming at the mouth for more.

Mariel Molino as Cecilia “Lala” DominguezMariel Molino as Cecilia “Lala” Dominguez
(Erik Voake/CBS)

However, there is usually some buildup that lets us get excited for what’s to come.

Sure, there is the odd finale that introduces a new element at the last minute, like High Potential did. Still, even that show had an already established overarching arc it took into the next season.

When I think about NCIS: Origins, considering it has been renewed for Season 2, the only thing that springs to mind is that we’re going to circle back around to Gibbs.

It may just be me, but I thought Gibbs’s killing of a man was handled a little too neatly. Granted, there was that episode with Ruth right after and then winter break, so there’s been a lot going on.

Still, there’s a good chance the story will return to Gibbs with someone investigating the homicide.

Austin Stowell as Leroy Jethro GibbsAustin Stowell as Leroy Jethro Gibbs
(Erik Voake/CBS)

At this point, the CBS series has solidified that it is not playing by the usual NCIS rules and is more interested in keeping us on our toes.

How do you think NCIS: Origins will end Season 1?

Did you find Mary Jo’s backstory heartbreaking?

Please drop a comment below to let me know what you think, and join me again when I review another episode of NCIS: Origins!

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