Lindsey Graham Melts Down When Asked About Kash Patel

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The host of CBS’s Face The Nation, Margaret Brennan, asked Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) the very reasonable question of why he is supporting Kash Patel for FBI Director when Patel has published an enemies list of people that he intends to go after if he gets into power.

The transcript of the exchange captures Graham’s meltdown:

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well- okay. But he’s got a list he’s published Kash Patel has. He published it in a book of enemies. It includes people like the FBI director, Defense Secretary Austin, Bill Barr, former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, former CIA director Gina Haskel, the head of CENTCOM. I mean, do you take him at his word here? That these are an enemy’s list and you’re going to put him in a law enforcement role to go after him?

SEN. GRAHAM: I believe the hearing will expose him to be a very qualified man of the law. He wrote a book. He’ll have to answer questions about what’s in the book, but I’m ready to vote for him, because I know him too. See, you never asked me about the Russia hoax, that he exposed. People on the right believe that he was part of the solution, not the problem. You asked a good question of Brett, has Israel suffered because of this war? They went too far on the world stage. Here’s what’s happened on the world stage. The International Criminal Court is going to be sanctioned by the Congress Republicans and Democrats because they’re trying to prosecute the prime minister of Israel-

MARGARET BRENNAN: — Lindsey- Lindsey Graham, this is a far cry from the question about Kash Patel. You took me all the way to Israel from Kash Patel. Are you-

SEN. GRAHAM: — Yeah lets get back to Kash Patel–

MARGARET BRENNAN: — You’re committing to vote for him no matter what? —

SEN. GRAHAM: — Yeah–

MARGARET BRENNAN: — You are going to vote for Kash Patel?–

SEN. GRAHAM: I won’t say no matter what. But I- yes, I am ready to vote for Kash Patel, because you will never ask me the role he played in exposing the darkest moment of the FBI since Edgar- J Edgar Hoover. That’s why I trust him.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Okay. Ask him about going after journalists, which he’s also said, I’m interested in the answer to that question. We’ll be right back–

SEN. GRAHAM: — I’m sure Democratic friends will ask him. And you shouldn’t worry about Kash Patel. You should worry about reporting the news fairly, which you don’t do when it comes to everything Trump.


Interviews with Republicans all seem to end the same way when they get challenged on their hypocrisy. They resort to conspiracy theories, and after that doesn’t work, they pivot to attacking the questioner.

The problem for Graham was that he was asked how a supposedly law and order Republican like himself could support putting a person in a law enforcement position who has an enemies list.

Graham couldn’t handle having his hypocrisy shown to him, so he attacked CBS as biased against Trump.

Lindsey Graham’s outburst demonstrates that the Republican Party under Donald Trump is a flimsy house of cards built on blind devotion to Trump.

When the devotees are questioned about their inconsistencies, it all comes tumbling down.

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