Justin Timberlake DWI: Hotel Pushes Back Against Claims He Was ‘Wasted’ Before Arrest!

Was Justin Timberlake really out of control before his arrest this week?

Before the singer was arrested for driving while intoxicated on Monday, he partied with some friends at the American Hotel in Sag Harbor, New York. And things got pretty rowdy there, at least according to one witness! They told the New York Post on Tuesday that Justin was “wasted” — having drank way more than the “one martini” he told cops he had! They say he was drinking other people’s drinks by the end of the night! Jeez!

And, of course, we all know what happened from there. The Suit & Tie crooner got behind the wheel while intoxicated and attempted to drive himself home — emphasis on attempted because he soon caught the attention of the police when he blew through a stop sign. They followed him, noticed he could not stay in his lane, and pulled him over on the suspicion he was driving under the influence.

Related: Is THIS Britney Spears’ Response To Justin Timberlake’s DWI Arrest?!

In their report, cops — who hilariously did not recognize him — say he reeked of alcohol, had slowed speech, and had “bloodshot and glassy” eyes. Oh yeah, and he failed the field sobriety tests! The former *NSYNC member then made things worse for himself when he refused to take a breathalyzer test. From there, he was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated. He has since been released from custody.

With all that in mind, it sounds like Justin had a wild night and one too many before getting in the car and driving! However, the owner of the American Hotel pushed back against the allegations — well, some of them! Ted Conklin told TMZ on Wednesday that the Selfish singer was a model customer the entire time at the establishment despite the report claiming he was three sheets to the wind and taking drinks from others! As the owner said, Justin was a “great guest and a nice guy.”


But when asked about the report of Justin’s drink-stealing and getting intoxicated at the hotel, Conklin refused to share any details about his visit as the hotel respects their client’s privacy. Hmm, this PR help ain’t helpin’, Conklin.

The owner did at least note the restaurant did not over-serve him, and the staff members acted properly. Ah, so this is more of a CYA thing? Got it.

Whether or not Justin acted properly? He definitely didn’t when he got behind the wheel while inebriated! But Conklin isn’t bothered by the fact JT could have killed someone by driving after drinking! He told the outlet the hotel has no plans to ban the Palmer actor and would gladly welcome him back after the DWI arrest! Wow.

It’s good the American Hotel is open to Justin returning — he may need a place to stay when he returns for his court date on July 26. Reactions, Perezcious readers? Do you buy that Justin was a model guest? Sound OFF in the comments below!

[Image via The Kelly Clarkson Show/YouTube]

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