'I slammed on my break and got out and ran up to grab the kitten': Giant man rescues two itty bitty kitties abroad, flying them across the ocean to give them a loving forever home

Some people out there are absolute heroes. The people who save cats by any means necessary – the ones who go out of their way to do it. And the man in this story is definitely one of them. Sure, he’s a marine, and that is impressive enough, but that’s not the part that we are talking about. This kind man rescued not one, but two kittens on not one, but two different critical conditions. 

The first time, he stopped traffic to rescue a tiny black kitten, screaming at the honking cars around him and raising the kitten as if he’s in The Lion King to show them why he’s doing what he is doing. The second time, the kitten he rescued was on the verge of freezing, and if he allowed the kitten to stay out there much longer, chances are that it wouldn’t have survived. And then, he saved them both again, by bringing them back home to the US with him after his service. He may say that he doesn’t feel like a hero or like it was a heroic thing to do, but he is definitely a hero in our eyes. 

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