'I could not believe it': Amazon driver steals person's order and replaces it with cat food, Amazon refuses to refund the order no matter how much proof is provided

Sometimes, the world gifts you with things that you do not expect. Or rather, it’s not the world – it’s the Cat Distribution System. Every once in a while, a lucky human is chosen by this meowgical system, and that human gets adopted by a cat. Oftentimes, they do not expect it. The cat walks into this random person’s house and into their heart all at once, without any warning. Here, we think that someone, for the very first time ever, has been warned by the CDS that it is coming. 

At least this is how we are choosing to read it. Because we don’t know what else to make of this situation. An Amazon delivery person stealing someone’s package and replacing it with cat food, and then Amazon refusing to give a refund – for something that they should totally give a refund for. Don’t be surprised if a cat suddenly walks into your house in the next few… however long the expiration date is on that food. We wouldn’t be surprised, and we would like an update once we are proven to be right. 

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