How Consistency Creates Security in Your Marriage

Husbands contribute to their wives’ sense of security. This is more than physical security. It is emotional and financial security. Security in a marriage is having a high confidence level in your spouse. It doesn’t feel like sand in your hands. For example, it is not knowing if we’ll be able to pay a bill or if he will go off on me. It’s important for wives to feel secure with their husbands. 

What makes a wife feel most secure in a marriage is consistency. Consistently paying the bills and consistently coming home on time. Consistently complimenting your wife and letting her know she is the number one person in your life. If there is a lack of security in your marriage, it can chip away at your wife’s confidence as a woman, a wife, and a mother, spilling into other areas of her life, too. It can make her doubt herself and doubt your marriage. It takes a toll. 

Ken Claytor is an author, founder of the Alive Leadership Institute, host of the Alive Conference, and sought-after conference speaker. He is also a family man.
Tabatha Claytor is a lead pastor and co-founder of Alive Church, with campuses in Gainesville, FL, and Orlando, FL, and online. She is also the founder of Pio Woman, a ministry that equips and empowers women to pioneer their lives. Married for 24 years, they live in Orlando, Florida, with their 3 children, Hannah, Charity, and Kenny.

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