Found Season 2 Episode 15 Shakes Things Up with Heather Twist, New Romance & A Crucial Jamie Reveal

Critic’s Rating: 4.8 / 5.0


Was that one of the best cases of the season?

If they wanted to bring the emotions, Found Season 2 Episode 15 delivered on that front, with the resolution of a cold case involving seven missing kids.

Of course, we also have some new things to unpack with newcomers Jamie and Heather.

(Matt Miller/NBC)

Trent Begging For Gabi’s Help? The Audacity!

Oh, Heavy Boots, you are nothing if not amusing!

For as much as Trent loved to act as if Gabi ruined his life, she was the first person he ran to when the questions about his family’s legacy were too much, and he needed to know the truth.

Gabi taking Trent on as a client was hilarious, and she continues to be the most gracious person in the history of forever; because this girl? I promise you, I would’ve still been holding a grudge.

I’m a Scorpio. It’s what we do.

Nevertheless, Trent literally ran from the woman he warms his bed with to the other woman he’s still in love with to resolve what has become the most heartwarming case that the series has done all season.

At the end of the day, Trent needed to know the truth about these missing seven children, and they all deserved that and some closure.

The Missing Persons Case Was the Strongest of the Season

(Mark Hill/NBC)

Adam and Lawrence were at the center of that, and one of the most exciting pieces of this puzzle was when Zeke ran facial software that aged them up. We started seeing all the others and how similar they were to their likeness.

Finding Adam was the key to everything. Lo and behold, he, too, took his pain and turned it into purpose, serving as an immigration lawyer and protecting the rights of people like his mother.

I can’t think of another example of how timely this series is regarding what it chooses to explore. Of course, this case involving missing children of undocumented individuals was particularly resonant to where we are right now.

And this was something that plagued the city 30 years ago.

All these children were brilliant, gifted, beautiful little kids who lit up the world of everyone around them, and then they were just gone. Their parents faced deportation, and many of them were shipped back to their homelands without knowing what happened to their babies.

(Matt Miller/NBC)

As soon as Trent stumbled upon Janet, who spoke about these kids and was investigating the case, something felt off, so it wasn’t that shocking to learn that she wasn’t an ally; she was the culprit.

She and her husband were orchestrating this entire program to steal these children and sell them to parents, and into the system was abhorrent. But given that many of these situations can get much darker, I was just relieved that no one murdered the kids.

The Case Exposes Undocumented Slipping Through Cracks and Police Misconduct

But if anything came to light about this case, it was how poorly the police of yesteryear handled the whole thing. Trent Sr. was a nightmare. Sure, he likely had good intentions intentionally, but then it all fell by the wayside.

And even Mallory didn’t come out smelling like roses when we saw his treatment of Walter.

It was despicable what the police did to Walker, assuming the worst, pressuring and interrogating him, trying desperately to pin this whole thing up on him, and never once listening to what he was saying about Adam and Lawrence.

(Matt Miller/NBC)

If not for Walter, we never would’ve cracked this case open, which means that if the cops had listened to him 30 years ago, many families could have reunited.

However, one of my favorite moments of the investigation was that it made me soften to Jamie when he jumped at the chance to be helpful. He is an incredible artist, and it genuinely made me smile when Margaret enlisted him to help sketch the abductor, which was critical in resolving everything.

He was so proud of himself, too, especially when Dhan praised him, and we know Dhan doesn’t dole out praise easily.

Jamie Could Carve Out a Space at M&A

(Matt Miller/NBC)

It seems like Jamie could find his place in this agency. He seems passionate about it, but there is too much mystery surrounding him to embrace him.

The families’ reunion was one of the best scenes of this series. Lacey’s pure, energetic, exuberant joy and excitement were infectious as she opened the door and let them all in.

All of these people who hadn’t seen their loved ones in 30 years fell into each other’s arms, and it was enough to bring tears to the eyes of even the hardest of us.

But it was that Adam and Lawrence reunion that took the cake. They spent 30 years looking for each other and finally had their moment and could bring their own families together.

Adam’s reunion with Walter was sweet, too. He thanked and validated this man when everyone else treated him like a monster for simply trying to help.

The Case Highlighted Margaret’s Biggest Issue with Jamie

(Matt Miller/NBc)

However, this case hit close to home for Margaret because it brought up her feelings about Jamie still protecting the person who abducted him.

During the flashbacks, we saw how paranoid Margaret became and how that may have pushed all of her loved ones away and strained things further with her husband.

We also saw the emergence of Margaret’s Vision. Her hyper-observant, hypervigilant behavior perfectly depicted her trauma response to the situation, and it’s been fascinating to see how these flashbacks provide so much context to the story and Margaret as a character.

I’m proud of Margaret for laying it out there for Jamie. Their dynamic is improving. He treats her nicer than before, and his portrayal of her is sweet.

(Matt Miller/NBC)

He seems to make some effort to understand her pain. But he’s also trying to protect the woman who took him, and that won’t do.

It’s one of the few moments where Jamie’s conflict feels genuine and understandable. He must love this woman who raised him this whole time. In many ways, she must be his mother to him.

He at least has some loyalty to her or something that makes him want to protect her. But he can’t seem to stay away from Margaret either.

Zeke and Lacey FINALLY Move Forward Romantically!

(Mark Hill/NBC)

It’s all fascinating, and we’re no closer to learning the truth, but they know how to keep us on edge.

Fortunately, we have some payout in other fashions. As someone who adores Zeke and Lacey’s relationship, I find nothing more satisfying than the two finally giving in to their feelings.

It’s been clear that Zeke has had feelings for Lacey for so long, but we never knew until Found Season 2 Episode 14 if Lacey felt the same way.

Naturally, she felt like she was getting in his way and keeping him from something with Shelly and wanted to leave, but she also didn’t want to at the same time.

Another great moment of the hour was Zeke and Dhan’s genuine conversation about this and their feelings. They’ve come a long way as friends, even brothers.

(Matt Miller/NBC)

Zeke Comes to Grips With His Feelings with Dhan’s Help, Showcasing Their Growth as Friends

Dhan wasn’t making fun of Zeke or anything like that. He recognized that Zeke was in love with Lacey and that Lacey was good for him and helped him through some of his darkness. Dhan knows that you shouldn’t let it go when you find it.

Except I actually like Zeke and Lacey, and Dhan and Ethan are a hot mess, but that’s a rant for another day.

That kiss between Lacey and Zeke was EVERYTHING. If you heard squeezing, it was me. Guilty!

Of course, happy squealing went to shocked sputtering over that whole Sir/Heather thing.

(Mark Hill/NBC)

It turns out that Heather isn’t the person who has worked directly with Sir unless she was hiding her identity the entire time.

Sir knew of her, but he didn’t recognize her on sight. But they talked around each other like there was something there.

Heather and Sir’s Team-Up Is Unexpected But Delicious!

But now it’s hard to say what Heather’s motive is here. Is she jumping on the Sir case because she wants to make a name for herself or improve her career, or is something more sinister at play?

Heather feels like such a big player, but we don’t know where her piece is on the board or whose side she’s on. This is both intriguing and infuriating!

Where do you stand, woman?!

(Mark Hill/NBC)

She certainly knew how to own a room, though, telling Sir to shut up and laying things out there. Her confident smirk and demeanor said it all. She’s a powerhouse not to be trifled with and about to shake some things up big time!

Trent may be collateral damage. And he’s digging his own hole trying to protect his family’s legacy after Sir screwed with him again with that letter.

Not showing it to Gabi or telling her the truth will backfire spectacularly, and it’s also particularly hilarious for the guy who was on such a high horse for most of the season.

Over to you, Found Fanatics.

What are your Heather theories? Who do you think took Jamie? Are you thrilled by Zeke and Lacey?

Hit the comments below!

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