Fabulously Fluffy Feline Voids Embracing Their Inner Derp and Being Adorable Little Weirdo Cats
Good meowrning! That’s how we often greet each other when we, the editorial staff of this fantastic site, arrive at the office in the mornings. That, or “Meowdy, partner!” We tend to shuffle between those two, but we’re always on the lookout for fresh ways to incorporate cat puns into our daily jargon.
And today seems like the perfect day to celebrate the delightful phenomenon that is derpy voids just being cats. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, “void” is our affectionate nickname for those gorgeous black cats with sleek, midnight-colored coats. Hard to believe that, once upon a time, black cats were linked to witchcraft and dark magic, right? These goofy little cuties we adore today can barely manage to harm a fly—though if you test their patience while doling out treats, they’ll have no problem knocking a glass off the table to make their feelings known.
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