Every Day Is Caturday At ICanHasCheezburger With This Fuzzy Frenzy of 20 Feline Funnies

Hello, fellow humans. If you happen to be a cat owner—or have simply spent any amount of time in the presence of a cat—you’re probably well aware that these little furballs are often portrayed as perfect, innocent angels, incapable of causing any trouble whatsoever. Sounds nice, right? Well… just kidding! In reality, cats are absolute masters of chaos, born with an innate talent for stirring up mischief. It’s practically encoded in their DNA. 

While we humans may put forth our best efforts to curb their wily ways, deep down, we all know the truth: trying to control a cat’s antics is about as productive as trying to herd, well… cats. They do what they want, when they want, and they march to the rhythm of their own feisty, fluffy little drums.  What that means for us, the cat-loving humans of the world, is that we get to sit back and appreciate all of the humor that these hilarious feline creatures bring into our lives on a daily basis. Every day is a party. Now, shall we get into this fantastic fuzzy frenzy of feline funnies?

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