Daily Roundup 1/15 – Live YouTube Show With Rachel Juarez Today at 3:00pm CST, Deal Or No Deal Island, Jessica Simpson Gets Divorced, & More On The SoCal Fires
You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Wednesday. I’ve got another update for the Vegas party. A message that I need to get out to people. I’m going to tell you also what’s coming up later on today.
And we’re going to talk about Deal or No Deal Island last night. I’ve got a question now about exactly what this show is trying to accomplish. Jessica Simpson has gotten a divorce from her husband, Eric Johnson. And I have an update on the fires in Southern California. And we will get to all that momentarily.
So I wanted to mention this a couple of days ago. I said, look, I got less than 10 spots yesterday. I came out and said, I’ve got no spots left. I am sold out of the party, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to be sold out forever. I might. Have spots opening up. And I’ve just said, Hey, if you’re interested, just email me, let me know.
However, a few of you have emailed me with either a flight confirmation or a hotel confirmation. And I just want to say, I mean, there is a good chance I’m going to be opening up spots and anybody that is sending me stuff to be on the waiting list. All you have to do right now to tell me you want to be on the waiting list is just email me.
Don’t book anything because if I can’t add spots, then I’m assuming you’ve made a hotel booking. I think the hotel booking, you can get full refund, but I don’t know if you’ve bought a flight and you haven’t been confirmed for the party. I just don’t purchase anything until I say I’ve got spots available now.
And then I’m just going to go down the list of everybody on the waiting list right now and say, Okay, you had emailed me. I didn’t have any spots left. Now I do. And then we go from there. And to get confirmed, you have to send over either flight information or a hotel booking. Or if you’re in Vegas, just, you know, promise me you won’t flake.
So we’ve got, I haven’t counted how many, but at least 10 emails, I think, of people that said they want to be on the waiting list. And I don’t think any of them are solos. So we’re looking at at least 20. Okay. The 25 people right now on the waiting list. So if you are interested in coming, like I said, this is first come first serve everybody that has already RSVP’d.
Just emailed me in the last three weeks when they heard about me broadcasting it on the podcast. So obviously I want, I’m going to do everything I can to open up more spots, but I can only have a certain amount before I am just paying for it. An exorbitant amount of money for this party. So, way more than I’ve ever paid for any party in the past, because this is going to be the most expensive in terms of the amount of people and the venue itself that you’re paying for.
They even gave me a deal on the venue and it’s still going to be two and a half times more than I’ve ever paid for a party. So, yeah, I have no problem with you saying, Hey, I know you don’t have any spots left. I want to be on the waiting list. Just don’t purchase anything right now because I don’t know if I’m going to be able to add spots.
It might be, I come back in a few days or a week from now and say, that’s it. If you haven’t gotten a confirmation from me, then unfortunately you can’t make this year’s party because I will be tapped out. So I just wanted to mention that to anybody who’s interested. If you’re interested, email me at Steve at reality, steve.
com and just say, Can I be on the waiting list and tell me then where you’re coming from and tell me the names of everybody who would be coming I’ll put you in my email folder and then if spots open up I’m just going to go in order of when I received those emails and then it becomes, okay, now book your stuff and that’s your confirmation into the party.
So coming up later on today, it’s going to be at three o’clock central time. So for Eastern time today on my YouTube channel, I’m going to do a live broadcast with Rachel Juarez. Finally, we are going to get around to talking about the appeal by Laura Owens lawyer, David Gingras and Clayton’s lawyers. The Greg Woodnick firm, and we’re going to discuss it all.
And well, I say, we’re going to discuss it all. It’s going to be mostly her talking, because obviously I’m not a lawyer. I don’t understand the law, but we are going to have the parts of the appeal brief that Woodnick’s team filed in response to David Gingras’s appeal. We’re going to have those on the screen and she is going to go over them and give her thoughts on everything and I think that’s just a It’s a very it’s kind of a different approach than maybe Some of the other things that are that are going on out there because when David Gingras talks about his Appeal that he files, you know when you listen to him, he makes it seem like I know everything, nobody else knows anything about the law in Arizona, and this is why I’m going to win.
Because I’ve got video clips of Davis Gingras saying, We’re confident in what our appeal is, we’re confident in our side, I, you know, I hope we win. He’s not saying hope, he’s not saying confident, he is saying they are going to win. He has said it on numerous occasions, I’ve got the video clips of it. Which is probably not smart to say you don’t say that even if you’re very confident you think you’re going to win You don’t ever say we’re going to win It’s just not it’s not great karma number one, and it’s just how do you know you’re going to win?
You know, you don’t you hope you think you’re confident. He doesn’t use any of those words So what we’re gonna do is and then when David Gingras Kind of went over with Woodnick’s brief that was released last Friday. You know, again, he makes it seem like, well, this case that they cited is irrelevant or it doesn’t pertain.
That’s a wrong ruling. You know, we’re going to go over all that with Rachel today. So four o’clock Eastern. Three o’clock central to mountain one Pacific. I know some of you might be at work. That’s okay. Even when we’re done, it’s just going to be on my videos on my YouTube channel, reality, Steve 24, but I just wanted to put it out there that yes, I’m going to record live with Rachel today and.
If you’re joining us live, feel free to ask questions in the chat room and we will bring those up and she will answer whatever she can in terms of those if she hasn’t already answered them in the video that we do. So can’t wait to have Rachel on today. It’s going to be a really good explanation of why she thinks.
What she thought of David Gingras’s appeal, what she thought of Woodnick’s brief, in return, where we go from here, obviously David Gingras gets one last say, where he gets to respond, and then there’s probably going to be oral arguments in a couple months, and then a decision will be made sometime in 2025.
That is coming up later on today, 4 Eastern, 3 Central, 2 Mountain, 1 Pacific, on my YouTube channel, RealitySteve24, I will put out on social media. Not clips, but a reminder to tune in because I think if you’ve followed this case for a long time, or even if you haven’t followed it for a long time, and you’re a late comer and you’re interested in, Hey, you know, these briefs are, you know, Gingras is, was what?
87 pages and Woodnicks was I think 63 or something like that. And you’re just like, that’s so much. Rachel’s is going to break it down to the important parts that you need to know about what Gingras wrote, his stance that he’s taking on the appeal to appeal the verdict by judge Mata, which awarded Clayton sanctions fees of 150, 000 and you will see Woodnick’s response to David Gingras’s appeal.
Of no, we cite these cases. And the biggest thing, if you’ve heard other people talk about it, everyone’s done a video, people that cover this, Dave has talked about it. And the Omar has talked about it. Laura Knighty has talked about it. The overlap, the overwhelming response is what Gingras is doing is a red Herring.
He’s getting you to focus on something to take away from the real subject at hand. And I think that is going to be Rachel stance. But we’re going to go into explaining exactly what she means by that and what she thinks Gingras is doing in all this. So looks to be a, this is going to be a really fun and informative podcast to do or YouTube show live show or whatever.
This is going to be also my weekly. Tomorrow. So if you miss it today, that’s fine. You could go watch it whenever, but it’s also going to be my weekly podcast as well, and then next week. I think she’s going to be my weekly podcast as well. So back to back weeks with Rachel discussing next week’s going to be the Justin Baldoni, Blake Lively case, along with her thoughts on Rachel Lindsay and Brian Abasolo’s divorce that was finalized earlier this week.
So a lot to get to with Rachel. I told you. She’s going to be filling up your timelines in the next couple of weeks on the reality, Steve podcast. Can’t wait. So join me today on my YouTube channel at three o’clock central time.