Daily Roundup 1/13 – Fan Appreciation Party Update, Clayton’s Legal Team Files Their Brief, Grant’s Season Beginning In 2 Weeks, Blake Lively, Aubrey Plaza Deletes IG, & A BH 90210 Episode Trip Down Memory Lane

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Monday. Good show for you. Today, going to give you an update on what’s coming up. You’re going to get a lot of Rachel Juarez in your life this week here on the reality, Steve podcast.

I’ll update you with that. We are going to talk a little bit about grant season. We are two weeks away from the premiere of grant season. I’ve got a Blake Lively story that has absolutely nothing to do with Justin. But somebody on the internet thinks it does and they were shot down. I’m also going to talk about Aubrey Plaza and the death of her husband, causing her to delete her Instagram and got some other stories to get to as well.

And we will get to all that momentarily. I do want to start out with this. Didn’t mention this in the open, but we are slowly approaching capacity for The fan appreciation party on May 31st this year, which is also doubling as my 50th birthday party. However That doesn’t mean that there are no spots available.

It could, what I’m looking to do is possibly open up X amount of more spots, but I’m not going to know that for probably a couple of weeks. So, there is a few left and I’m talking about less than 10 right now. I’m just, I’m, I’m so glad a lot of you want to come to this party. I’m just stunned that we sold out in less than a month with the only promotion being people listening to my podcast.

Cause I haven’t put it on my socials anywhere. I haven’t written a column. It’s been nowhere in there. So I appreciate everybody that’s on the RSVP list already, but I am under 10 spots now, so that could be done by, you know, within an hour of you listening to this today. So if you’re interested, there’s a good chance you’re going to have to wait.

To see if I can open up more spots. I don’t know yet I want to because it looks like the demand is there. It’s just if You heard me on Dave Neal’s podcast. You already know how much this party is costing me this year It’s double more than any party in the past. I’m not complaining. I did it all by myself because hey You only turn 50 once, right?

And, but it’s like, well, how much am I willing to spend on this party? I’m already spending a pretty penny. So, I just have to see getting with my team that does my advertising and all that, and there is a chance more spots will open up, but right now I am under 10 that are still available. So keep that in mind.

If you’re interested again, you have to hit me up immediately. And if you hit me up today. I still might have to tell you, you have to wait because I’m booked now. Because it all depends on, you know, first come first serve. I’ve never, it’s, it’s, it’s not just, Oh, this is only for people that I know we’re friends and family.

This is first come first serve. Now this year, yes, I do have way more friends and family that are coming to this year’s party than in previous seasons. Usually it’s only been, let’s see, a few years. It was my mom and my niece and maybe a couple here and there this year. It’s close to 30 that are coming that of people that I know.

So that’s what I mean. And I, you know, when I say no Dave and Tasha, Courtney and Umberto, Stephanie and Jackie from she’s all batch, like they’re all part of that 30. So I just need, you know, Rachel Juarez is coming this year with her husband, probably. So that’s what I mean. Like this is, it’s really, I just have way more people coming this year, but I also increased how many I can bring as well.

Because this venue seats way more. It’s just a matter of what number I can get to that makes financial sense for me. So. If you’re interested, let me know and I will let you know one, if I still have spots available and two, if you can hold on, you know, we’re still five months away from this thing. So there’s plenty of time and I’ll let you know if spots open up.

I mentioned Rachel Juarez, the judge, one of the judges from hot bench as in my open because she is going to be someone that you are going to listen to quite a bit this week. I don’t know the days just yet, but. I’m probably going to do a live YouTube show with her this week because late Thursday night Clayton’s legal team responded to Laura’s legal team’s appeal.

So their briefing came out late Thursday night, and it will be discussed in length because Rachel didn’t want to come on after David Gingras, Laura’s lawyer, came out with his appeal back in, what was it, mid December? It was before December 15th, but after December 1st. It was somewhere around there, maybe the 10th, something like that.

But she said, there’s no point to go over his appeal when I haven’t seen what Woodnick, Greg Woodnick, Clayton’s lawyer’s response or his firm’s response is going to be. So why don’t we wait until they give their response to the appeal, their briefing to the appeal, and we’ll go over all of it. Well, the appeal briefing came out late Thursday.

People have already covered it over the weekend. I’m going to cover it with Rachel this week. I don’t know what day we’re doing a live, but obviously I will let you know. And we’re just going to go over both. She’s going to cover both. She’s got notes from both filings and we’re going to cover a lot of things.

Gingras and Laura did a one hour YouTube show over the weekend where. Again, they put their foot in their mouth and got caught in complete inconsistencies in their story. Will they ever address it? Never, because that’s not what she does. That’s not what Gingras does. I just, as I told you, it’s my biggest problem with David Gingras is he has admitted to me that the JFC people, the justice for Clayton people know way more about this case from.

September of 2023 to when he took over in March of 2024. Yet he talks about the case before he ever took it. Like he knows everything. So it just doesn’t make any sense. If you admit that they know more, you got to take some L’s on some things and they continuously prove him wrong on social media, but then he just avoids it because all he claims to care about is winning the appeal, which is fine.

I have no problem with David Gingras taking the stance of. Hey, the JFC crew only focuses on the past. I’m focused on winning the appeal and moving forward. That’s fine to take that stance, but then in the same breath, you can’t claim to know what happened between September and March, September of 2023 and March of 2024 when you took over the case.

It just isn’t making any sense. And when he does a live, like he did with Laura over the weekend and inconsistencies in her story are proven factually proven, it’s like, this is exactly what we’re talking about. It’s fine. If you don’t want to address the JFC and the things that they have proven. Because you weren’t on the case.

That’s totally fine, but it doesn’t mean you can dismiss what they have found and the things and the inconsistencies that they have proven over and over and over again, if you don’t know the case, even though you probably should, you are her lawyer, but that’s neither here nor there. If you don’t know the case, that’s totally fine, but don’t sit here and say people are wrong or they don’t know what they’re talking about when clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about in terms of things that happen between September and March.

You’re a great lawyer. You’ve probably broken your arm numerous times patting yourself on the back, telling us what a great lawyer you are and how great you are in the state of Arizona. We get that. You say that every single time you take to the air. But the problem is, there are things about this case that either you don’t know You don’t care to know or you’re flat out wrong on and it all happened before you took over and that’s what we want answers to And it’s why I was initially going to have a conversation with him because I thought he wanted to address this But then he got in this mindset of they only care about the past.

The JFC only cares about the past. They’re losers I only deal in the present and the future and what’s gonna happen going forward. It’s like, okay Well, then you’re not there’s no point in talking to you But there certainly is points talking about you in the things that you say on your YouTube channel.

I’m allowed to go over that. So we’re going to discuss all that with Rachel Juarez, who is also a family lawyer. And I think you’re going to see that there’s a lot of things that while he does in his videos, and he claims he’s 100 percent right on, there’s just way more gray area than he makes it seem.

And that’s where Rachel’s going to come in and kind of lay it down and be like, Look, While he says this, what he’s also missing is this. I’m not going to sit here and try to say that I know the law. I don’t. I’m never going to say that. That’s why I’m bringing a family law attorney on. So, there’s going to be a lot to discuss this week.

Not to mention, we’re also going to have Laura on this week to discuss the Blake Lively Justin Baldoni case. And she has some thoughts on the Rachel Lindsay, Brian, have a solo divorce, which obviously made news end of last week when the divorce was finalized. So, so much to get to with Rachel this week.

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