Butterscotch, the orange floof, steals the heart of a skeptical husband, turning him into a cat person one cuddle at a time: 'I wouldn't give her up for anything'

Some animals have a way of nestling their way into our lives. Cuddly cats especially, create a vacuum of comfort around their happy victim, cozying up to their human of choice and baking biscuits on their tummy until their love is infinitely reciprocated. Even the toughest hearts and the coldest shoulders can be thawed in the midst of a snuggle bug.

Husbands are often the voice of reason when it comes to bringing more animals into the house. ‘We don’t need anymore pets’ is a pretty common scolding that empathetic and exuberant wives endure on a regular basis. But when the couple in this next story encountered Butterscotch, an orange floofy cat recently orphaned by an elderly resident at the wife’s old folks home, everyone’s heart melted at the sight. 

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