Batten Down the Hatches for This Chaotic Caturday Cat Child Carnival of Cuteness
You know that when Caturday comes to town we all need to be prepared. That means having copious amounts of cat treats on hand, preparing all the toys to be played with and most importantly securely locking all cabinets that contain food to make sure that the hurricane of fur that is about to land in your home will not result in the unparalleled unpacking of your pantry. Which is why we made this list to gently remind you of the maelstrom that is to come.
So if you have not already, then we recommend looking through this list carefully, taking notes, and then as fast as you can making all the necessary arrangements to your home and treat stockpile to ensure that you make it through this Catruday with as little clawminality as is pawssible.
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