
As Amir Khan admits to forgetting his daughter, 6, while his car was being valeted, millennials share hilarious tales of being left behind by their parents

People have been sharing their funny stories of being left behind or forgotten by their parents when they were young.

It comes after Amir Khar made a parenting blunder when he sent his car to a valet but forgot he had left his daughter in the back.

Former boxing champion Amir, 37, shared a video on social media after he realised he’d left daughter Alayna, six, in the back seat of his £120,000 Range Rover after leaving the car with a valet in Dubai.

Amir filmed as he waiting for the driver to bring the car back, telling the camera: ‘Sent the car for a valet, guess what? I left my daughter in the car boss.’

When the back door was finally opened, little Alayna was shown in the back seat, looking very unimpressed while clutching a pink mobile phone. The video, which no longer appears on Amir’s social media, ended with the father and daughter walking away hand in hand as the driver repeatedly apologised.

Amir Khan (pictured) has made headlines after revealing he accidentally left his six-year-old daughter in his car after taking it to the valet

ANGRY: Amir's daughter Alayna (pictured) did not appear to be best pleased that her father left her in the car

ANGRY: Amir’s daughter Alayna (pictured) did not appear to be best pleased that her father left her in the car

He is not the first celebrity to forget one of his children: In 2012, then-prime minister David Cameron made headlines when he accidentally left his daughter Nancy (then eight) in a pub.

The politician, who  had been enjoying Sunday drinks with his family near Chequers, only realised his eldest daughter was missing when he arrived back at his official country residence.

The Camerons had been drinking at the Plough Inn, in Cadsden, Buckinghamshire, with their three children and two other families. As they went to leave, Nancy went off to the toilet without telling them.

The Prime Minister was driven back to Chequers, which is two miles from the pub, with protection officers in one car, while Mrs Cameron drove their other children in another.

Mr Cameron presumed that Nancy was in the car with his wife, while she thought that their daughter had jumped in with the Prime Minister.

Speaking at the time, a spokesman said Mr Cameron was ‘distraught’ when he realised what had happened. They later confirmed that Mrs Cameron returned to the pub to pick up Nancy.

‘Thankfully when they phoned the pub she was there safe and well,’ the spokesman said.

When Mr Cameron arrived back at the pub he found his daughter happily helping the pub staff. It is understood she had been left by herself for 15 minutes.

Former prime minister David Cameron (pictured at Horse Guards Parade last month) once accidentally left his daughter in a pub

Former prime minister David Cameron (pictured at Horse Guards Parade last month) once accidentally left his daughter in a pub

Multiple people have shared their own stories of being forgotten by their parents, including one who was left outside a local shop

Multiple people have shared their own stories of being forgotten by their parents, including one who was left outside a local shop

A Downing Street spokeswoman said the next day that the Camerons were taking full responsibility for looking after their children and were not blaming security officers for failing to ensure that Nancy was with the party before returning to Chequers.

Another celebrity accused of forgetting their child once was Kim Kardashian. In 2014, the reality star was filmed leaving Le Royal Monceau hotel in Paris without her daughter North, who was one at the time, and heading to her waiting SUV which was due to whisk them to the airport.

Minutes later, she was seen returning to the hotel, when she then emerged carrying the baby, prompting people to accuse her of forgetting her child the first time around.

However, she vigorously denied the accusations, taking to X (then Twitter) to explain that she first emerged without North because she was tending to an issue with her daughter’s car seat.

She wrote: ‘Heard on the radio today some story I forgot my daughter at our hotel as I’m leaving for the airport. Are you kidding me?!?!?! LOL. 

‘I went to the car to make sure the car seat was in because the day before we had a car seat issue.

‘Do u guys really think a 1year old would be inside the lobby by herself!Oh wait she was waiting to check out lol.’

Amir Khan’s misadventure prompted a number of people to share their own similar stories.

Commenting on the story, one person said: ‘My mum left me outside the local shop in my pram in the 80s haha. I was barely 2 weeks old. She got all the way home and my dad asked where I was. I was her first born and i guess she totally forgot she had a baby hahahahaha.’

Another added: ‘Not that it bears much resemblance to this story. But it was a family legend that my Mum took me in my Silver Cross pram to the library to change her books. This was in the 1950’s when it was safe to leave your baby outside for 5 minutes and I was asleep. My mum then walked a mile or so back to my Nans house, who asked my Mum “where’s the baby” ? Big panic ensued, the neighbour had a car and drove Mum back. I was still there and still asleep.

‘Different times back then, no harm done, and no accusations of child neglect. just a mortified young mother.’

Among their stories of being forgotten, one person revealed they were left in a fish and chip shop, and one outside a library

Among their stories of being forgotten, one person revealed they were left in a fish and chip shop, and one outside a library

Meanwhile a third shared their own story, writing: ‘My mum forgot me in the fish and chip shop once; I got a free fishcake on top of what Mum had got for me, and a lot of fussing from the owner and other customers while we were waiting for her to come back. I had a great time! Another 80s story, it seems there were a lot of us!’

And a fourth said: ‘Many years ago friends of mine came to visit to “show off” their newborn. I was living in a flat at the time. They came through the door, we sat down, they had their three children with them, then I asked, “where’s the baby?” The mother and father looked at each other, and repeated, “where’s the baby?” We ran to the balcony and there, on the pavement next to their parked car, was the baby in a carry cot! Dad thought mom had the baby, mom thought dad had the baby. I don’t know how they missed the baby while using the lift!’

Meanwhile, elsewhere on social media, people shared their own stories, with one Quora user writing: ‘I was left in a laundry mat when I was 6 months old. My mother believed my grandmother put me in the car. My grandmother believed my mother had. They got halfway home and realized I wasnt there. Evidently I was on top of a washing machine, asleep.’ 

A couple of parents revealed their own guilt at having forgotten their children, revealing how easy it can be to make that mistake - and how much they regret it

A couple of parents revealed their own guilt at having forgotten their children, revealing how easy it can be to make that mistake – and how much they regret it

A further commentator said: ‘I’m not sure how old I was at the time, only that I had gone to the bank with my father, was playing, and looked around to realize he was nowhere in sight.

‘Apparently my dad had left the building, was walking towards the truck, and turned around to see my standing in front of the bank door crying.

‘It was a complete accident on my dad’s part, and if he took me anywhere, he always made sure to keep track of me after that.’

And another admitted they had forgotten one of their own children, saying: ‘I had a six week old baby girl and a 17 month old son. It was my first time out with both children and we went to the grocery store. I remember it was snowing and cold. I placed my daughter in her infant seat on the roof of my car while I buckled my son in his seat; got in the car and started it up. Thank God I remember my daughter on top! She was sound asleep and fine. I think I had a nervous breakdown! I still feel guilty 34 years later.’ 

In a similar tale, another revealed: ‘When my Son was about three we were in Walmart . Somehow he had hidden under a clothes rack and I thought he went with his dad . His Dad thought he was with me . We did not realize he was gone till we meet at the truck . It scared the hell out of us . From that point on he was put in the cart every time until he was old enough to hold onto the cart like his older Sisters.’ 

According to a number of Reddit users, they were also forgotten by their parents when they were young

According to a number of Reddit users, they were also forgotten by their parents when they were young

Meanwhile, over on Reddit, others shared their stories of being accidentally left behind by their parents, with one user writing: ‘My mother left me in the middle of a hotel lobby in downtown Hong Kong when I was 5 years old.

‘I don’t really remember what happened next. But she tells me that she made it halfway to the airport before she realized I wasn’t with her. All I remember was how high and ornate the ceiling was in the lobby.’

Another revealed: ‘Once in 4th grade both my parents worked late thinking they’d asked the other to pick me up. I was on the front walk of the school till 5pm sheltering from the rain under an overhang directly outside the front office. The faculty asked no questions and Mom came home and panicked. I rode the bus after that.’

And a third said: ‘Once when I was a baby my mum needed to go to the shops. She packed all the baby things in the car (diaper bag, bottles, car seat, stroller etc) and started driving away. Within about two minutes she realised that she had left me at home so it wasn’t too bad, but I like teasing her about it.’  

A further poster simply wrote: ‘Mcdonalds playpen for almost an hour, Didn’t even notice.’ 

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