Terrific Tuesday Treats of Cat Memes to Remind You Why the Egyptians Worshipped our Feisty Feline Friends

Hey, cat owners. You know, we have more in common with the Egyptians than you might think. We both mummify our loved ones (wait…you don’t do that??) and worship the small feisty felines that live in our houses. They are the pets, but really, we are their servants. We plan our lives around them, we buy them whatever they want, and sometimes we feel that we spend more money on them than we do on ourselves. But, it’s not all for nothing. We do get to snuggle with their pure purrfection, and they are putting in a good word for us with Ceiling Cat.

To show you just how much us feline fanatics and ancient Egyptians are similar, we found some terrific treats for you this Tuesday in the form of cat memes explaining just how much our meowdern relationship and theirs were purractically the same. We still clean up their litter boxes, we make room for them on our lounging furniture, and they still take up the whole bed. Enjoy!

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