‘An artist would be challenged to create such replicas’: How looking closer reveals the beauty and lethal efficiency of insects

In this excerpt from “Carbon: The Book of Life” (Viking, 2025), author and environmentalist Paul Hawken delves into the world of insects and the incredible adaptations critters like dragonflies and butterflies have evolved to help them survive. Hawken hopes that by zooming in on some of Earth’s less popular inhabitants, people can gain a better appreciation for life, which he says is the key to stopping and reversing the climate crisis.

A flame skimmer hovers 2 feet (0.6 meters) from my face, looking straight at me. Its red bulbous eyes have 24,000 corneas, allowing it to see 360 degrees — up, down, backward, forward and around simultaneously. What it makes of me visually is unimaginable.

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