30+ Caturday Cat Memes Wishing You a Wholesome Whimsy Weekend
Cats are the cutest creatures to have ever existed throughout all of time. They have the softest, sleekest fur, that’s just a bliss to pet over and over again – especially when they tilt their small and cute heads so you can pet them even more. Cats have the cutest little triangle ears, they turn them around for every noise they hear, and it’s so adorable how they flap around when they do a big stretch. Cats also produce the cutest sounds ever, from soft meows or deep purrs when they feel nice and safe around their hooman. Cats are simply so adorable, and the fact they exist is so wholesome.
To celebrate this we’ll need a lot of things, but we can start with something small – like a bunch of wholesome cat memes. Why? Because memes are the funniest way to celebrate anything, and because cats are just the cutest – so such adorable cat memes are a purrfect beginning to celebrate cats’ wholesomeness. Well, that, and then after your heart is full of feline sweetness – go and give your cat a pet from us.
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