28 Wholesome Cat Memes Fetching You Furrbulous Feline Feelings

How could we ever go through the day without cats? Cats are wholesome little creatures full of floof and love. What a delight is to remember your cat is somewhere around the house, and then to have it actually show up and cuddle you. This is what we call true delight. Cats also make their cute little sounds, these “purrt?” when they ask you for attention – and how could anyone say “no” to that?

We hope you’re a cat pawrent. Not that there’s anything wrong with not having a cat for any reason, but we hope for you – because having a cat companion is such a wholesome thing a hooman can experience. We wish for you to have a cat because that’s what we’d wish for every hooman out there.

We’re not sure how to bring all of you cats, but we can definitely bring you some cat delight with these wholesome cat memes. They’re as wholesome as a whiskered cat companion, they’re as cute as a smol kitten, and they’ll help you laugh your heart out.

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