27 Optimistic Caturday Cat Memes Overpowering Anxiety With Wholesome Weekend Precious Purrs

There’s something absolutely ameowzing about the sounds cats can produce. It’s not just the various meows, it’s mainly the purrecious purrs. How do cats produce such an incredible sound? So soothing… It’s such an incredible experience when a cat sits on your lap and purrs. For us, at least, it makes us think “What did we do to deserve such bliss?”

Honestly, all sounds cats make are ameowzing and so precious. Does your cat simply “Meow” from time to time? Wow, incredible, amazing that you were able to hear it. Did your cat just “Purrrrt?” when you called their name? On-point, splendid, what an endearing response. Does your cat regularly go “Mrraw-waw”? Absolutely blissful, very uplifting, what an experience. And does your cat combine a “Meow” with a loud “Purr” when you pet them? Wow, the peak happiness a person can experience, you’re very lucky.

You know what? Even if your cat is the silent type – we’re 400% sure they’re the cutest little silent fuzzy fur ball. Because cats are just ameowzing like that, regardless of their splendid little sounds.

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