25 Wholesome Cat Memes You Want to Pspsps Over to You

Is there anything more wholesome than a cat? And no, saying ‘multiple cats’ doesn’t count – cats’ wholesomeness isn’t stackable, because each and every cat is already the cutest thing ever. Yes, that is somehow possible. We’re not sure how, but it is. But seriously, can you try and think of a single thing that’s more wholesome than a cat? Not even another animal, just a single thing, stuff, something is all of existence. We dare you, we double dare you meowmeowfluffers. You won’t find anything. Cats are simply the most wholesome thing in the entirety of existence.

Since this is the case, we wanted to celebrate this ameowzing cat wholesomeness. And the best way to celebrate anything is to memefy it. And since cats and already so memeable and have been memed since basically the inception of the internet, all we needed to do was shine a light on the wholesome side of cat memes. So here are some seriously wholesome cat memes right here, so we can all enjoy this cat wholesomeness.

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