25 Pawsitive Cat Memes Meowditation to Subdue Stress and Secure Serenity

People like Fridays not only because they have free time. They also look forward to cocooning at home and minimizing interactions. Let’s not sugarcoat it – life gives us plenty of reasons to be anxious about, such as achievements at work and deadlines, romantic aspirations, and national security issues – the list is endless. Once you start considering all the bad things that can happen and you can’t control, you’re already living them.

Interestingly for us feline lovers, a study shows that the more anxious and introverted a cat owner is, the more trust and affection they have for their cat. That makes total sense if you ask us. Cuddling with a cat at home away from the outside world’s troubles is nothing short of medicinal. Catnip for the soul. And if the cat pawrent’s feline is as neurotic as the owner, the need to cuddle away from everything doubles. 

That being said, it’s important to care for ourselves – and our cats – in these situations, rather than hide from the outside world. Surrounding ourselves with cats – while ameowzing – is not as helpful as letting go of anxiety altogether.  Zen practice is just what you need to get there. Here are some Inspawering photos to do it: for every stress, there’s a relaxing treatment. It can be yoga, mindfulness, or whatever you find beneficial for breathing and focusing on the right Meow.

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