25 Comforting Cat-Therapy Memes Tackling the Tissues

Dear I-Can Has-ers, the passing of Carole Wilbourn, a renowned cat therapist who mastered the art of decoding the emotional lives of cats, got us reflecting on the cat-therapy connection. It’s ameowzing how Mrs. Wilbourn managed to differentiate between scratches, meows, and nature calls in her clinic to truly understand each cat’s needs. Imagine how happy the felines she treated must have been—and how even happier their protective pawrents must have felt.


But to be honest, having a cat is a form of therapy for hoomans in its own right. The wholesome feeling a cat provides definitely helps to make one happier. It’s actually scientifically proven. Cuddling a cat helps fight everyday stress. 


We’re not surprised. The only trouble with cats being so beneficial to our mental and physical state is that we’re getting agoraphobic. Sitting at home where it’s warm and catty is so much more satisfying, relaxing, and productive for skin care (check out stress wrinkles; you’ll go get a cat first thing tomorrow morning) that we never want to leave. If you feel the same way, check out these cat therapy memes we found. Not that we have anything against traditional therapy, we’re all for it! But for complementary medicine, a cat therapist is definitely an option we’d like to try. 

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