25 Amusing Cat Memes of Mice and Moews.

When did the perennial battle between cats and mice begin? Was it the domestication of cats that ignited this constant chase – a remnant of the cat’s predator nature – or would cats still chase mice as enthusiastically in the wild? Is it the encouragement to catch mice around the house that meowtivates them?


There’s a catch in the catch though, for us cat pawrents, who wish to have a mice-free home: When we don’t see mice anywhere – score! What a joy having a purrfect predator of our own, good for you Mr. Whiskers. But when they present oh-so-proudly their catch, expecting our applause and seeing our faces turning green, it feels wrong. Suddenly we remember how far we’ve come since cave living, and how we actually aspire to be vegetarians. 

They’re still awwdorable, our fierce felines. We can’t judge them for their wild nature and can only hope they don’t judge our tender tendencies, moving away from any survival instinct we may have left in our DNA. We’re doomed if our survival will take a bigger challenge than heading to the supermarket when it’s crowded. In any case, it seems like they’re taking after us through the years. Some cats have dropped their predatory nature altogether. For all you I-Can Hasers who have issues with mice around the house – whether it’s that your cat doesn’t chase them or that they do and you have to deal with the results – here are some hisssterical memes of the cat-mice everlasting conflict. 

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