23 Sassy Sunday Cat Memes Catching Hissterical Humor and Toss it Your Way Until the Weekend Ends
Hey there, cat pawrents and general fanatic feline fans, it’s sassy Sunday! Yes, a Sunday can definitely be a sassy one, especially if it’s filled with the feline sass of some feisty feline memes. They ooze the sass of a meowjestic cat that struts around your house like he owns the place (spoiler alert: he does). All you have to do is take some of that sass and spread it all over your Sunday and, voilĂ , you have yourself a sassy Sunday.
So what is a sassy Sunday good for? That’s a great question, we’re glad you asked. It’s the feline fanatic fan’s way to brace themselves towards to upcoming Monday with the full-on sass of a cat. It’s the best way pspspssible to summon yourself the cat confidence from cat comedy – the sassy Sunday cat memes. If you strut towards Monday as your cat struts around the house – which is their empire – you can start your week with the full-on cat confidence anyone needs to start the week with. Ready for some sassy Sunday cat memes to get this vibe going?
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