21 Simple Cat Memes to Warm Your Hearts on This Chilly Wintery Weekend

Good meowrning, friends and felines. We just have one question for you – will we ever manage to get through winter and start spring? It seems like it has been winter for literally one year and, according to the weather, it’s not about to lighten up anytime soon. The cold is colding and although we’re purrfectly happy snuggling indoors with all of our felines, we wouldn’t mind if it was a little warmer outside (or at the very least, not snowing). The snow was fun for a little while, but we can safely say that we are over it.

If you’re running out of indoor activities to do since it’s too cold to do anything outside still, might we suggest a revolutionary, pawsitively mind-blowing idea? Are you ready? Okay – it’s scrolling through wholesome cat memes. Surprise! Just kidding, you purrobably saw that coming, but it doesn’t change the fact that nothing passes the time by like enjoying some simply silly feline funnies in the purresence of felines. Grab your blanket, your nearest kitty, and get to scrolling!

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